Saturday, August 29, 2009

William Penn fire tower re-investigation

On 8/28/2009 the ESPRS welcomed new member Anthony Tomeo as we re-investigated the William Penn Fire tower in Reading PA. At the beginning of the night, ESPRS co-founder Corrie had a personal experience near the top of the tower with the EMF detector and her digital camera. The meter was going off in her hand as she suddenly felt cold as well as experiencing a mist she said was walking up the stairs towards her(picture of what she saw coming up the stairs included) as well as footsteps on the spiral stairs where we have seem to caught the mist moving up the spiral stair case, include are a few pictures we have of that on the spiral stairs Also captured was this EVP we cant quite make out what is being said but this happens right before Corrie thinks somthing is coming up the stairs and we caught the mists in these pictures. The rest of the night seemed quiet. Next week 9/4/09 we will be investigating a new private residence in Reading PA and full report on this past investigation as well as research and a interview with the client about their claims of activity will be posted shortly so keep checking back for more and as always if you have any problems with the paranormal or any questions at all please fell free to contact myself or Bob at or

Monday, August 24, 2009

Welcome New Members and Re-visiting the Fire Tower

This Friday the 28th the ESPRS will be welcoming new members of its group with a re-investigation of the William Penn Fire Tower. We will be trying out new equipment including the ghost box to try and make direct contact with any spirits that may still remain there. A full report of our evidence will be posted as soon as it has all been reviewed. We hope to come out of there with a better understanding of what my still be within the walls of this historic land mark. Making it our second trip to this tower be assured as new equipment comes along, we will make return trips to many of our past and future investigations to help us get a better understanding of the paranormal to report back to the public. We believe that one investigation at a residence or public place will not do our field justice as we never know what may happen in a night. So keep checking back as we constantly update you with all our activities and as usual if you have any questions or problems of your own with the paranormal please feel free to contact myself or Bob at or and thank you for your continued support.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Adam's House Investigation

The ESPRS has concluded its investigation of the Adam’s house on Spook Ln in Reading PA. The night started off with an EVP session in the living room of the home and almost immediately after asking the third questions we all heard an audible response that sounded like a whisper that we could not make out and for some reason did not catch on tape, only our response to the whisper. There were some minor EMF spikes during the investigation on the steps of the old home that we caught on tape and have video of and at one point in the night I experienced an extreme cold spot in what we believe was the second floor bathroom of the home. For most of the night things were very quiet, but only quiet to the human ear. After reviewing the evidence we did get a good variety of EVP that are direct responses to questions. After listening to them it almost leads me to believe that while we didn’t think there was much activity in the home or maybe none at all, it may just have been that they were “shy” spirits, or at least spirits this night did not want to be bothered. My team and I were thrilled to have the opportunity to be at this historic location and many thanks to the water authority for letting us in there. At the time we were unaware that the only way into the basement was through the outside, which was locked, and at the time we had not had access to this. In the future we would love to come back to the Adams house and bring a ghost box/Franks box with us for a follow up investigation as well as have access to the basement of this historic building. Again many thanks to everyone involved in helping us with the opportunity to investigate this building. Stay tuned in the future for more investigations and some fundraising that we are planning on holding for more equipment to help us better investigate the paranormal. Again if you have any questions or activity you would like to have investigated our services are free of charge and you can contact us at to speak with our case manager, or myself at for any questions what so ever.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Adams House Spook Ln Investigation

Tonight 8/14/09 the ESPRS will be investigating the abandoned Adams farm house. The abandoned house now belongs to the local water authority who have made claims of activity ranging from apparitions in the windows looking out to lights going on in the home where there is no electricity as well as apparitions seen inside the home. So check back in then next few days for our report on this old farm house along with any evidence we may capture.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Aulenbach's Cemetery Research

The ESPRS has concluded its investigation of Aulenbachs cemetery. Although there were no personal experiences, and audio and video recordings seemed to not turn up any evidence of the paranormal there is this photograph of a mist similar to the one we caught in the William Penn memorial fire tower. I will post this picture along with some other photos we took of this old cemetery. Even though we had no personal experiences it was still and exciting time for us to be able to see some of the oldest grave sites in the area dating back to civil war times. It was a wonderful experience for us to be able to explore such history. The photo with the dolls is at a grave of a 2 year old girl named Rosie said to haunt the area. The other photo is of a mass unmarked grave site.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

And the winner of the best new paranormal group goes too....

I would like to thank my team for all their hard work in our investigations and the Global Paranormal Network for all the great feedback and wonderful information that has helped us get to where we are today.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Global Paranormal Network

If anyone out there has an interest in the paranormal, the best place to go and check out is the link included to the GPN! Please check it out. The link takes you to a contest where the winner will get $200.00 towards paranormal equipment! The ESPRS has made a donation and entered the contest and you should to! Good luck to all that enter.


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Evidence Review of July 31st Private Residence Investigation

After going over the evidence Audio and Video as well as the digital camera I will have to say that this home has an intelligent haunting by the results we got. This home has some personal attachment to me, it’s not the home I grew up in nor have I ever lived in this house, but it was the home that my grandfather had died in. Since then the home owner has experienced her dog acting strangely around the room where he had died as well as children in the home having conversations with things that were not there that pertained to my grandfather as stated in the pre interview I posted in the past. What more can I say then to let the evidence speak for itself, literally. You will see videos where questions are asked and directly responded to by making the EMF detector move when we ask for it to move. You will also see a few videos of EVP caught after the tapes were reviewed of moaning and a direct answer to a question. My thoughts on this are that the home owner still has a great attachment to the spirit in this home. I believe that she needs to tell the spirit to move on and that it may almost be trapped in the home because of this. A full report along with my feelings on this haunting will be presented to the home owner by the time of this posting. Please feel free to leave comments on this evidence I will have links to the videos here. They will be uploaded to This is some of the best evidence I have had the privilege to investigate. Stay tuned for more. As this week we will be at Aulenbachs cemetery for our next investigation.

Thanks for checking in and if you have anything you need investigated please feel free to contact me at